Friday, September 4, 2009

Beware Of Dog.

Its Friday so its baby day. :D
Went pick baby around 12pm,
then headed to Midvalley again. lol.
We have Pizza Hut for our brunch today. :)

Its all about cheese. :)

Bi suffers the menstruals pain,
then went to Watsson to get bi the pills for the pain.
After taking it, thanks god she feel a lil better.
And its movie time at 2pm.

Final Destination: Rest in Pieces.
Its not disgusting and a lil fake.
Its not what i expected.
Rate: 6/10

After came out from the cinema with blur condition,
met Hewmeiteng and the big gangs.
They are in the same movie with us just now. huhu. :)
Next headed to The Gardens,
to get Shirleywong birthday present. :D

Candid by bi. :D
Ohya, about the title of this post,
its about the tee im wearing only.
Nothing much actualy. :D

EAT bi. :)

After done getting the stuff,
went back and rest at bi place.
And at night, went to 118 for our dinner. :)